Colleagues from Past Lyceum Days
It has always been the declared intention of this website not only to provide surfers with news about the Association of Lyceum Past Students, its origins, aims and activities, but also – and perhaps more importantly so – to act as a point of contact for the exchange of information among past students, whether they are still in Malta or away from our shores.
Colleagues from Past Lyceum Days” is the section of specifically designated to act as this point of contact. The success of this section depends entirely on the thousands of Lyceum past students – irrespective of ALPS membership – who can take up this opportunity.
Besides their names and surnames, Lyceum years and class/es, surfers are welcome to submit details of how and where they have been shaping up their lives over the years and what they have achieved, even if they themselves may not think it is much. Due to receding hairlines and changes to other features, it will be particularly welcome for each past student using this website to send in current pictures of himself and, if at all possible, from his school years too.
Preferably send in your photos in high resolution format. Photos should be submitted by e-mail to
Colleagues From Past Lyceum Days
Joseph D Buttigieg | Tony Alexander |
Vince Agius | Alfred Agius |
Peter Tortell | Donald Darmanin |
Joe Battistino | Charles Vella |
Reno Demicoli | Noel Agius |
Anon | Leonard V. Zammit |