Welcome to ALPS website
Welcome to the official website of the Association of Lyceum Past Students (ALPS), which was launched as part of the activities for the Association’s 10th anniversary.
Also officially known as the Ghaqda Ex-Studenti Liceo, the ALPS was formally founded on 20th March 1994. There had been a number of previous attempts to get such an organisation going, but this was the one that worked.
The Association seeks to bring together as many as possible of the thousands of surviving men of all ages who have sat in the classrooms of this oldest institution of learning in Malta, which dates back to 1592 with the foundation of the Collegium Melitense for the teaching of Arabic and Turkish by the Jesuits. This date is suitably recorded in the ALPS emblem, which basically incorporates the Lyceum school badge.
The main aim of the Association is not simply for social activities, although these have their own importance in the Association’s calendar, but to make a real difference in modern-day society. ALPS also seeks to do its part in the preservation of national heritage. It is sincerely hoped that visiting this website will help one and all – not just Lyceum Past Students – to understand what the Association stands for.
For a number of good reasons the launch version of this website was a modest start but still very informative, and it has since continued to grow as commitments permit. It carries recounts of the origins of The Lyceum, the birth of the Association of Lyceum Past Students, and the full Statute as amended over the years. There is also a Diary showing the salient points in the association’s history as well as all the events it has organised over the past years, the make-up of the current and past Councils of Administration and pen-portraits of its current members.
Another salient feature should be the business corner, through which website visitors can click on icons that invite them to take their business to the sponsors who advertise their individual trades on the icons.
Our website also carries the full text of ALPS News as well as the Administrative Reports from past Annual General Meetings.
Looking further ahead we hope to keep expanding and developing the website by enhancing the full-colour picture gallery of ALPS activities, starting with the 10th anniversary activities. Any ALPS members who, having surfed and enjoyed the website, feel moved to lend us any pictures that bring back memories of important moments in their lives (including, and especially, school life!) is certainly welcome to do so.
It will also be the Council of Administration’s pleasure to see the ALPS website being used to get members in touch with their old schoolmates, maybe even helping to organise class or year reunions.
Hello and welcome aboard
As the President of ALPS I would like to greet each and everyone who at any time in the past attended the Lyceum, the doyen of secondary schools in Malta.
Within the Association of Lyceum Past Students we have a dynamic team. Together we form a very active and determined association. ALPS was created in 1994 by Founder-President Dr Guido Saliba B.A., LL.D., whose wish it had always been to bring together as many past Lyceum students as possible.
We strive to be innovative in everything that we do but, more importantly, we like to do things right first time. Within ALPS there are no half measures.
It is indeed a great pleasure for me to address you all Lyceum Past Students and welcome you to be part of the Association of Lyceum Past Students.
I encourage every one of you to take every opportunity to enrol new members. In my inaugural council speech I made it a point to emphasise the need to move forward and increase the number of members. I even hinted that we must look ahead and strive to get our own club premises where we can meet and hold our get-togethers.
We have set a target to reach a figure of at least 1,000 members by the end of this current year. Are we going to make it? I am quite confident that you can help us achieve this number by initially enrolling yourselves in ALPS. If you are already a member, then we ask each of you to encourage at least one of your past Lyceum colleagues to join us too.
Let us all pull together on one rope. Let us make this Association of Lyceum Past Students the envy of all other school associations. Let us all be happy together and form the largest number of members from all walks of life and of every age.
Lyceum Past Students, wherever you are in Malta and abroad, you must surely remember with great nostalgia the days when we all attended the famous Lyceum. Say the words over and over again:
The Association of Lyceum Past Students will be sure to revive past memories and even more.
Good luck and the best of health to all you former colleagues from the good old Lyceum days.
This message comes to you with the very best wishes of the President of ALPS.