ALPS Pwales Mass Schedule update
The Association of Lyceum Past Students reminds members and friends of ALPS that Holy Mass is going to be celebrated at the Pwales Chapel, by Father Willian Bartolo on Friday 13th December, a public holiday, at 1100 hours. This will be the last mass for 2024
The intentions during this Holy Mass will of course include all the ALPS members, their families and friends in need of our prayers. The intentions will also include those members who recently passed away.
We would appreciate it if inform Mark Darmanin – ALPS Secretary General if you intend coming, either by email: or message/call on Mob no; 99857431
The Association of Lyceum Past Students informs that Holy Mass at the Pwales Chapel planned for Saturday 22nd June 2024 has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.
The calendar dates of the remaining Holy Masses at Pwales Chapel are on;
13TH JULY ( FESTA SANT ANNA ) 18.00 pm
19TH OCTOBER 16.30 pm
23RD NOVEMBER 16.30 pm
13TH DECEMBER 11.00 am