Author: ALPS_EBS



A TRULY GREAT FRIEND OF THE ASSOCIATION OF LYCEUM PAST STUDENTS Terry-L. Bencini- passed on to Eternal Life at the age of 94 on 26th October 2024. Terry L. Bencini, the singer, comedienne and actress,...

Holy Mass reminder Saturday 26th October 2024

Holy Mass reminder Saturday 26th October 2024

The Association of Lyceum Past Students reminds  you that   Holy Mass will be celebrated by our Spiritual Director, Father Willian Bartolo  on Saturday 26th October 2024 at 1630 hours, at St Anne’s Chapel, Pwales The intentions during  Holy Mass will of course...

ALPS Pwales Mass Schedule update

ALPS Pwales Mass Schedule update

The Association of Lyceum Past Students reminds members and friends of ALPS  that  Holy Mass is going to be celebrated at the Pwales Chapel,  by Father Willian Bartolo on Friday 13th December, a public holiday, at 1100 hours. This will be the...