PWALES CHAPEL news – Holy Mass on Tuesday 13th December @ 11.00 am


On the 13th December 2022 A.L.P.S. will organize Holy Mass at the Pwales Chapel.  Father William Bartolo will celebrate “Thanksgiving ” Mass at 11.00 am. We shall be blessed this year to have young Luca Vella delivering to all who will attend, a PIEDKA TAL-MILIED. Quite a novelty and I am sure you all will make that extra effort not to miss this special occasion.

Let us meet and  thank the Lord for keeping us alive and healthy. We also have  to remember and pray for  those families who have suffered during the pandemic, especially those who have lost a close relative or friend because of this virus that has disrupted the world  since March of 2020. We owe them our prayers. Christmas carols will be sung at Mass that will  enable us to enter  the festive  season with more peace and happiness in our hearts. Must have a large congregation to give a warm applause to the little boy Luca. For many weeks, this boy has studied the priedka and it would be most encouraging to give him a heartfelt applause when he finishes. 

ALPS looks forward to see many of you there.  Weather permitting of course, an altar will be set on the Chapel parvis. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be served as in the old times pre-pandemic.

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