The ALPS have organised its yearly day trip to the sister island of GOZO on 15th June 2024.

A sizeable number of ALPS members and friends have visited the sister island of Gozo
last Saturday the 15th June 2024. Taking a coach from near the church of San Gwann,
the participants were taken to the Gozo Ferry terminal at Cirkewwa, from where they
boarded and made the channel crossing to start a wonderful day tour whilst guided by
Chev. Joe M. Attard.

The first stop was in Victoria Rabat where the group was met by Mr. Antoine Camilleri
who, very patiently described and explained how the Muzew tal-Hagar came to be and
the great dedication that existed by many volunteers who make time for such project.

This jewel in the island of Gozo is to be admired by locals and foreigners who come to
visit it throughout the year. Twenty years of hard work have gone into the making of this
interesting Gozo place of great interest, full of history and heritage information.

The second stop was the ROTUNDA BASILIKA – XEWKIJA where the group could take
The lift and admire panoramic views of the island of Gozo. Walking on the church roof
And climbing the steeple spiral staircase, could afford a most picturesque view.
The basilica is exceptionally well kept and we spent some time going round and seeing
Also the old church that had been dismantled, all the stones numbered and rebuilt in
The rear section of the modern church. All the treasures of old have been preserved
and some pictures are even attached hereto.

The next two stops were LUNCH at The Lantern Restaurant Marsalforn, where everyone
could enjoy a tasty meal with a delicious starter, main course and dessert. his was followed
by Holy Mass at a quaint little church of SANTA LUCIJA. Fr. Noel celebrated mass and gave
a most interesting sermon. The church is very well preserved and looked after by its local
community who must be very proud to own such heritage.
We spent some time going round and seeing the old church that is kept very clean.

The last stop on this day tour, was a visit to old church of Ghajnsielem / Gozo. Chev. Joe M. Attard
explained and gave brief details about this church before the more modern and gothic main
church was built in same locality. The church is still in very goodcondition and is used for
occasional celebrations and functions by its local community who are proud to own such heritage.

To view the Photos click here

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