Due to a meteorological office WEATHER REPORT warning for the coming day of two,
with hail and high winds predicted, it would be prudent to inform all ALPS members and
friends, that Holy Mass at Pwales on Saturday 25th is unavoidably being cancelled.
It is not prudent to expose people to such adverse weather conditions and which may also
create wet and slippery ground to walk up the hill and get to the chapel.
We shall therefore look forward to our next PWALES occasion on the 13th DECEMBER with
Thanksgiving mass at 11.00 am. There will be carol singing and light refreshments after.
Kindly circulate to as many persons as possible.
Best regards to all ALPS members and Friends.
We would apricate if you intent to attend to inform Mark Darmanin – ALPS Secretary General either by email: darmanin.mark@gmail.com or message/call on Mob no; 99857431