Dear members and friends of ALPS,

To those members and friends of ALPS, who made it to the Kappella Pwales yesterday afternoon,

I send a short apology for finding such difficulty to reach the chapel. Sudden road works have had 

to be started and we really did not know the extent of the inconvenience involved. For some, this

may have created difficulty to walk over rough terrain but we had no control over this.

On a positive note, I say to you all who attended, thank you for joining us. Your presence filled the chapel

parvis. There was indeed a nice atmosphere amongst the congregation.  In his usual manner Fr. William

delivered a wonderful sermon and coupled with the serene weather conditions, we could celebrate once

again Holy Mass for the month of October. I was truly happy to see a good attendance and sincerely hope 

that for the next occasion at Pwales, the road works would have been completed.

Once again thanks and we look forward to greet you next month @ 16.30 for Holy Mass on 19th Nov 2022.

Click here to see Photos of the Event

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